1547 Palos Verdes Mall, Suite 189 Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Bonded & Insured PL. PD. Cont Lic #564522
Office (925) 946-1436
E-mail [email protected]


Q: Where can I dispose of old paint?

A: http://www.co.contra-costa.ca.us/depart/cd/recycle/options/v5953.htm

Q: Will there be touch up paint left after the completion of the job?

A: Yes, there will be a can left for you of each respective product that we have used. It will be labeled as to where it was used and dated, along with the color reordering info on the lid.

Q: Will the work be performed on consecutive days?

A: Yes, always, with the exception of delays for holiday’s, weather or unavailability of product.